The Movie Database Support

Been bashing my head over the movie search api not working since the past 3 hours only to realise that the multi search is working perfectly fine while the issue only persists upon using the movie search

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If you want help about our API, you need to give us the exact query you have sent and the answer you have received.

API key is not responding sir I tried troubleshooting it shows configuration of device is correct but site is not responding I tried all possible things that I could like disabling proxy server and firewall and also cleared browser data and DNS cache so plz help me

If you want help about our API, you need to give us the exact query you have sent and the answer you have received in your own topic.

I gave the API link that I got to troubleshoot in my pc and it responded me as device configuration is perfect but the is not responding to your device so what should I do to make it respond to my device because of it my project is not working which I have to submit tomorrow thats why I need to use my mobile to even send this on my pc it is not responding plz help

@timepass123 said:

I gave the API link that I got to troubleshoot in my pc and it responded me as device configuration is perfect but the is not responding to your device so what should I do to make it respond to my device because of it my project is not working which I have to submit tomorrow thats why I need to use my mobile to even send this on my pc it is not responding plz help

As indicated above, create your own topic. In this one, we are talking of the search problem of trulytanishq.

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