The Movie Database Support

Hi, I'm a new user who migrated from TV Time, I wanted to recreate my personal lists of films and series, but I can't change the posters with the ones I prefer; Maybe I'm missing an option, or the site doesn't offer this customization?

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@tmdb39389977 said:
Change Poster
Hi, I'm a new user who migrated from TV Time,
I wanted to recreate my personal lists of films and series,
but I can't change the posters with the ones I prefer;
Maybe I'm missing an option, or the site doesn't offer this customization?

There is no such customization feature.
The main poster is always displayed, which is the one most voted by users.

@ticao2 said: There is no such customization feature.

It would be great if you add this option, so everybody could to choose the preffered poster (for both website and api).

@kuko7 said:

@ticao2 said: There is no such customization feature.

It would be great if you add this option, so everybody could to choose the preffered poster (for both website and api).

Only admin Travis Bell can answer your question.
Let's wait for him to come by.

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