The Movie Database Support

Hi there.

Following the UI update i can no longer find any information on when a return type might be 'null'. In the old version it would specifically say the return type might be 'integer or null', but now all i see is integer so i don't know where i need to handle the null cases.

Im guessing the information must be there somewhere. Does anyone know where to look?

Kind regards Alex

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Hi @monkeydodev, unfortunately (through the tools I have available) I am not able to set the allowed types on a per field basis.

Thanks for the response. Ill go ahead and treat every field type as nullable

Any chance this feature will make a comeback? Made it really easy to make the types

Unfortunately, no. ReadMe doesn't provide this as an option for the docs that are edited by hand yet.

I understand. I appreciate the quick reply! One last question though, for clarification - is the old layout saved somewhere I can navigate to?

Nope, it's offline now.

@travisbell Is there any update on this by any chance? If not, is the source code available to peruse? So one can at least (presumably) figure this info out on their own? Thank you!

No update that I am aware of, it's still a limitation of ReadMe.

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