The Movie Database Support

Hello, When I want to transfer the csv formatted file I got from Letterboxd site to TMDB, "The file you submitted could not be mapped to one of our supported formats. If you'd like to ask for a new format to be added, head over to the forums." I am encountering the error. How else can I transfer?

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Unfortunately we are not able to support the Letterboxd import because of the lack of external IDs provided within it. This was recently discussed here as well, if you were curious.

@travisbell said:

Unfortunately we are not able to support the Letterboxd import because of the lack of external IDs provided within it. This was recently discussed here as well, if you were curious.

Thanks. I don't think they will add IDs as Letterbox won't want its users to transfer to TMDb. I hope TMDb can enable anonymous transfer as soon as possible.

Why not just use a script to grab the TMDB ids for all the films in your Letterboxd export? Would be done in about 5 mins, even with thousands of films. And then you can just use the CSV in the standard way importing here and the TMDB ids would instantly be matched.

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